i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 5th
ex-gym leader
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 19:19:51 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar

As the lights come on in the arena filled with digging supplies and a very eager Glitch Maverick, eight contestants are led in by a very uncaring porygon that immediately floats away and into one of the maintenance shafts. everyone give it up for joycon. "Welcome everyone to the first ever fossil hunt badge contest! I'm Glitch Maverick and it's a blast seeing you all here! Especially since I've met a lot of you before and it's great to have you here supporting me! Oh, but it's also great that the people I haven't met yet are here too!" He of course saw some very familiar faces in the crowd of people. And like... three people he had never met before. Damn he had really gotten around. "It would be great if you could all just introduce yourself and your Pokemon real quick! That way we're all comfortable with each other. How about that?" Introductions would be a great way to get things rolling.

, , , , , , ,

This round is simple and not scored! Simply post one post introducing yourself and your Pokemon to the others. You don't have to get fancy and you don't have to feel pressured to do anything wild! Just be yourself and have fun. Judging will start next round. If you don't post an intro you will be disqualified as if you never showed up.
introductions will END on may 4th at 10:30 pm central
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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
creatures of habit, carrion flowers, growing from repeated crimes.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 1:19:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin, too, recognizes many of the faces gathered around the newest gym leader. There were and , of course, Rockets like himself, but there was also and , who he knew in passing, whom he knew by reputation.

is the wild card, and a curious gaze lingers on her during 's speech.

When asked for introductions, the confident blond steps forth without hesitation. From their capsules emerge a regular Cradily and Aerodactyl; Gavin's shadow Aerodactyl was too identifiable to bring on such a public excursion.

"Patrick Cavalli," he begins, and sweeps his arm toward the Pokémon. "Cradily here's been with me a long time, but Aerodactyl's a bit of a new face. Not entirely sure where she came from, just kind of showed up in my backyard."

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon cradily"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon aerodactyl"]
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 14:45:12 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
As Chu-e peers around, not just at but at the faces of the other people after the badge, he finds that he... knows every since one of them! Or, at least knows most of them. and he had only met through once or twice each. and were met through the Adventours and a random meeting in that order, but he had enjoyed the time well enough even if he didn't really know them. was one of his and was one of his two best friends. with being the other. This was going to be fun.

Not one to be outshone, Chu-e stepped up after Gavin was finished. He called out his two pokemon with a flourish, having decided to leave the two of them inside of their balls until now. A Sylveon and a Carbink materialized in front of him. The Sylveon seemed to wink at Michiko when he noticed her; the sly devil!

"I'm Ji-Hoon Ki! These two are are Polka Dots and Grapefruit!" Polka Dots, the Sylveon , lifted up his weird flesh ribbons to 'wave' to the other participants. Grapefruit seemed sleepy and lethargic but still gave a little spin in the air from where it levitated before taking notice of Miles. The Carbink hovered over to the man before trying to push it's head against his pants, causing Chu-e to sputter out a surprised laugh.

"Oh, wow, sorry about that. Maybe she likes your body wash?"

But, with his turn over, Chu-e walked back in place, awkwardly trying to pry his pokemon from Miles' personal space.

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sylveon"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon carbink"]
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 21:49:11 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

At least this time around it was only a plain introduction, no need to go ham or anything.

The funny thing is, most of the people present he’d already encountered in some capacity or extent—there were the ones from the latest Biome contest running around (Zac and Kazimir, along with Kyle); while there were also some familiar faces from that one time he’d helped clear out a house (it really needed a deep-clean, what else was there—Michiko and Ji-Hoon).

While he hadn’t heard of one of them (Miles), the other—one Patrick (Gavin) was familiar to him, having witnessed the man literally go all-out like a madman at last year’s summer event. That one was a doozy.

“Please, call me Lars. Makes it simpler for everyone present,” he prefaced his greeting. Looking over his shoulder, he then tilted his head in the direction of his companions.

“That one over there’s Lohengrin. Can be a bit airheaded at times,” he introduced the Dracozolt, before leading to the Runerigus.

“And she’s Abigail. Kind of scary on first impression, but she means well.”

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2021 1:13:02 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    "Howzit goin everyone!" Zac said, grinning at his friends, new and old. He wore a name badge that just read 'Zac'. "Great to see everyone. It's been too long." 
    Zac stood beside a massive monster of brown fur and ancient tusks. He ruffled the shaggy heap, scratching deep into the fur,  and the Mamoswine let out a deep rumble of satisfaction. "This is Lulu! She loves to help me out in the garden, and those tusks better than any shovel. She's got a great nose for treasure, and in a pinch she's a first-class pillow." Lulu gave another rumble, nodding her shaggy head at the other contestants. 
    "And this cheeky monkey is Greg!" Zac said, pointing towards a lump that was moving underneath Lulu's fur. "Oi! Greg! Come say hello!" A green head poked out of the fur facing the wrong way. He turned around and grinned, showing his bright, primate fangs, before letting out a shriek of excitement and burrowing back into Lulu's coat.
    "Greg's a little sweetheart," Zac said, smiling warmly at the lump. "He's always bringing me sticks and bugs and other treats. Here's hoping he can bring me some fossils!"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 11:04:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


"well hey hey everyone! glad to be here!" first impressions were always a tricky matter to walk around, they let people know what kind of person you are right off the bat. so of course kazimir had to come on in riding his tyrantrum as it slowly and majestically walked onto the stage, his minior orbiting around the both of them. as they came center stage his large dinosaur let out a roar to let the rest of them know that they have arrived and ready to dominate.

"here we have tyramigo, a fearsome predator of ancient times that's managed to live a long life and rule over his old lands as a blood hungry king! and here we have ryusei, a traveler of the stars that decided to come on down to our little planet and see what it has to offer. who knows what he's seen!" he introduced his pokemon as he slid off his tyrantrum's tail to stand alongside with them.

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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November 17th
Head I.E Engineer
Head Scientist
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Miles Sharp DOLLARS
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 20:42:25 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar
Miles had no interest in taking the gym challenge.

In truth he'd come to deliver flowers to the recently appointed gym leader and through an assortment of unwelcome coincidences and misunderstandings the rocket found himself on the gym floor in place of some other challenger who was unable to participate. At this point it'd be more of a pain to resign, thus he'd decided to stay and have his fair share of fossil fun after all it wasn't as if the man had anything pressing to return to today.

To say he didn't feel a hair left out however was a lie, as it seemed everyone in the vicinity knew each other to some extent at least, and of course there were those few Miles knew. was his boss who'd been of great assist to him in the grunt labs as of very recently, and he'd seen the esteemed Patrick Gavalli around the submarine though he went by an entirely different alias in Miles' sphere, but the bonds a few of these trainers shared simply felt different. Perhaps that's the reason Chu-e's carbink attached itself to the rocket scientist more than happy to give Miles some unwanted TLC to the man's dismay. Thankfully Kazamir's flashy introduction manages to take attention off the odd affair. He definitely owed the man a thank you.

It was as good a time as any, and so Miles would step up revealing the two fossils of his own, calling forth a kabuto and a tyrunt the latter of which would immediately move to watch 's larger evolution in absolute awe, while the former would scuttle up the researcher's back.

"Greetings all, I'm a researcher by the name of Miles, and as you can see by my team I study fossil pokemon. The rambunctious one is Obelos, while this shy fellow is Mare." The intro's not a complete lie at least, "I'm not much of a fighter, but when it comes to puzzles rarely do I disappoint. I also apparently have an affinity for Carbink, something I'm just learning today, It's a pleasure to be working with everyone."
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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 2, 2021 15:41:03 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
like everyone else, kyle tries to count the people he knows in the crowd. everyone else was a person he met in some way or another before, minus one. if he knew everyone else's count, he felt like he won already.

"hello, my name is kyle," he introduces like he's in some kind of support group, "and these are my pokemon."

he opens his pokeballs to release his arcanine and his lycanroc. the fire-type yawns as soon as it gets out of its containment, while the lycanroc does at least two spins to try to catch its tail.

"it's wil the arcanine and camus the lycanroc." he draws blanks on how to describe them as vividly as other participants described their pokemon. in the end he gives up and gives his honest opinion on his pokemon.

"they're both pretty simple-minded, i guess."

intros weren't his strong suit but it's not like it's in the judges' criteria so it's fine to slack off a bit.

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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON May 2, 2021 17:00:35 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar
When Mickey-- Michi's beloved husband, currently working abroad on a ruin site in Galar-- had gotten wind of the newest gym leader's fossil-digging challenge, he'd called her on the spot. Michi had of course been more than happy to take a day off work to try and find some fossils for her husband. Today, she was determined to achieve success!

"This is Doree! Maybe you know this character already, from the famous children's animation!" the older woman said eagerly when it came to her turn for introductions, gesturing with an open palm towards the ghost. The tiny dragon was zipping around her headlamp like a moth drawn to the light, nibbling at the glass. "I am a fan! Oh, but maybe some people do not like so much," Michi admitted, realizing most of the people in the room would have been little kids at the same time the educational math show had been originally airing. Dreepy had functioned as sort of the 'antagonist' of the show, showing up to obscure pieces of the puzzle until the viewers chanted "Dreepy, no creeping!" three times. Michi had fond memories of sitting with her daughters, shouting and pointing at the TV screen every time Dreepy appeared.

"Oh! If you cannot see her, it is because you do not have the Doreepi Connection," she added, sounding sympathetic in advance. Doree whistled, her luminous eyes glowing like a smaller pair of spotlights. "Waa! She is so cute..."

Wasn't there something else? Michi remembered she had brought a second Pokemon. "Oh, this is Linoone." She put it on the ground like a small dog, barely looking at it. "My husband recommend this Pokemon for digging. Sometimes, my husband and I, we look for fossils when on vacation! Linoone is not there, though." She was visibly less enthusiastic about the black-and-white badger. It was beautiful to look at compared to Hoenn-native Linoone, but she couldn't help but think resentfully about how often they busted through her hedges or trampled straight through her berry patch. Why were they so bad at turning?! Michi didn't understand. 

"And I am Michiko Maeda, but please call me Michi! Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Maverick." She inclined her head gratefully, then turned to the others with clear enthusiasm. "Everyone, let's enjoy finding fossils together!" 
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june 5th
ex-gym leader
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 20:16:41 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar

Glitch was actually pretty excited to see what Pokemon everyone was going to bring out and it showed as he clapped at the end. It was neat to see that there were so many different types of Pokemon that ended up being a great part of his theme of the gym. It was a blast and a half and really a lot more fun than just the regular gym battles that he ended up doing every single day. This way was a lot more enjoyable and seemed like it would gather him more information. But that wasn't the point for now. "That was great! It's good to know that some of you are already acquainted with each other." But now they needed to move on to round two. "This round will be actually finding the fossils! You'll have to be careful with them though, fossils are fragile. If you break them you're going to have to spend even more time putting them together."

, , , , , , ,

This round is scored! The point of the round is to find fossils in one of the three locations available to you. Glitch's pokemon will interfere with you attempting to find them and with the safe transportation of them.

Each post searching for a fossil will need to be rolled for, a 1-35 means you've found a part 1 of a fossil, a 36-65 means part 2 of a fossil, a 66-95 means you've found part 3 of a fossil. 96-100 means you've found nothing. It's low odds to find nothing so good luck! There is no limit on how many times you can search for a fossil! The only stipulation is that you have to be careful. Occasionally you will have to roll to defend your fossil from one of Glitch's Pokemon or because you've been clumsy in your post. How you treat the fossils in your post will also effect your final score, not just the rolls.

You must find THREE pieces of fossil to move on to the final round.

The locations available for this round are:

  • The Cave Walls [ Climbing Equipment Available ]
  • The Pit [ Flashlight's and Ropes Available ]
  • The Water Pool [ Diving Gear Available ]

Your ANCIENT POKEMON roll bonus can be used at any time but can ONLY be used once. You can add a +10 or -10 to any score once.
this round will END on may 25th at 10:30 pm central
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 1:19:00 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    There were no helmets big enough to fit Lulu, so Zac and his team headed for the Water Pool instead. They splashed through the freezing shallows, getting used to the water before they headed further in. Zac knew that all the good fossils would be in the deep end.
    "Everyone good? Greg, how are your goggles? No fogging?" he asked, checking everyone's gear. He quickly adjusted the head strap on Greg's kid sized goggles, and stuck the bright blue snorkel in the monkey's mouth. Greg slapped his stick excitedly on the surface of the water. Thankfully both of these guys have the mammalian diving reflex, so holding their breaths isn't going to be an issue. I do wonder how Lulu will go in deeper waters though...
    There hadn't been any goggles in Lulu's size either, but there had been an eight foot long snorkel. It stuck out of her mouth, trailing along the water like a giant piece of rigatoni.  
    Zac stuck the snorkel in his own mouth and motioned for them to dive. Greg scampered up onto Lulu's head as the mammoth barreled forward, sending hectic waves in every direction like she was a bowling ball dropped into a bathtub. 

    As the sandy bottom of the diving pool dropped away, they were left paddling in the cold waters. Lulu's tusks started to glow with an ancient purple, and the floor of the pool shuddered and cracked. Massive chunks of rock broke away from the sea floor, rising up through the water to float next to them. Lulu held the rocks in her thrall with Ancient Power and Zac quickly inspected them, turning the stones over in the water as he looked for signs of fossils. He found one that looked promising and floated it over to Greg. The little monkey attacked the glowing purple stone with vicious precision, breaking apart the rock with his branch poke. 
    It was an effective process, and after a few jabs Greg was hooting and hollering, screeching with excitement as he uncovered something in the stone. "What is it Greg? Found a winner already?"



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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 1:32:01 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar
Michiko had recently gotten into spelunking as a hobby, but she had never even considered trying fossil-hunting at the same time! Her usual concern while climbing was handholds, footholds, and dangerous patches where she might lose her footing. Examining the type of rock had never occurred to her. I will have to look very carefully this time, she resolved as she cinched her toolbelt tight around her waist. 

Doree could easily float and slither up the cavern walls, so the difficult part was Linoone. It is not very good at climbing, Michi thought, hands on her hips as she looked at the black-and-white Pokemon. It had curled up for a quick power nap while the gym leader had been explaining the rules of the challenge. How will we do this?

She had her own climbing equipment prepared, but she ended up sorting through the climbing gear to find a harness suitable for the slippery badger. She rigged him up behind herself like a rookie rock climber-- it would be slower going with the Linoone's weight behind her, but she would make sure to be careful so they couldn't fall. 

"Are you ready?" she asked, holding out one finger for Doree to perch on. The tiny dragon chirped assent. "Are you ready," Michi asked Linoone, barely looking at it. Baja's long, bright magenta tongue lolled in response like a fruit by the foot and Michi frowned visibly. The older woman turned away, pretending she hadn't seen it, and began to hammer the first piton into the cave wall.


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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 2:14:17 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

        Greg had struck big, and like a winner at the blackjack table he was going ape. he bounced up and down on Lulu's head, screeching bloody victory to the world at large.

    "REEEEEEEEE! HOOO-HOOOO HAROOOOOOOO!" shrieked Greg, and Zac had to cover his ears. "Great work mate! One piece down. But we're not out of the woods yet. We still have to find two more pieces!"
    Greg stopped his screaming and looked at Zac, his eyes burning with determination. He's got a real passion for paleontology, Zac thought, a little worried by the intensity of Greg's stare. Or maybe he just loves poking things with that stick. 
    "Okay then, let's go for a dive!" Zac said, and Lulu rumbled her excitement. The sound was warped along the length of the snorkel, shuddering across the water surface like the call of some unseen cryptid. Like a whale returning to the depths, Lulu emptied her lungs and sunk under the water. Zac and Greg clung to her fur, and the trio fell towards the cracked floor.
    Lulu landed with slow, heavy footfalls, and started carving away at the imitation sea floor with her massive tusks. Just like planting petunias, Zac thought, smiling as the mammoth gouged deep furrows in the rock and sand.
    Zac saw a glint of bone and pointed it out to Greg. The fossil piece was only partially exposed, and they needed to dig around it to get the whole piece loose. Greg glared at the fossil through his fogging goggles, and a lenticular aura formed around it, protecting the buried juts of bone and skull. 
    Lulu dig deeper into the sea floor, her massive tusks scraping along the shimmering barrier as she carved out the rest of their prize.



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june 5th
ex-gym leader
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143 height
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 2:25:11 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
  • just when you think you're safe on gathering two fossils a nuisance appears!

    blowing past you quickly is kisses the tirtouga! with an aqua jet in your direction its up to you to save your fossils from being smushed! both your actions and your rolls will be considered for the next part! roll above an 85 and both of your fossils could come out unscathed! roll 45-84 and one of your fossils could be damaged! roll below those and both of your fossils could be damaged! if you roll a 1-5 one of your fossils could be destroyed, oh no.

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played by


The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 2:38:28 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

       Movement. Something fast and finned cut through the water like a machete through a bowl of blue jelly. The turtle carved a bubbly path towards the trio, aiming for their precious fossils.
    "Bleughllllghl!" Zac shouted, warning Greg and Lulu. With the second fossil still stuck in the sea bed, Lulu assumed the ultimate defense. She fell on it. The water slowed her decent, and she ended up covering the fossil entirely like a half-ton fur coat. And everyone knows how bad turtles are at breaking through thick coats. 
    Greg was still spoiling for a fight, and he kicked off Zac's shoulder, paddling towards the approaching Tirtouga. The little monkey bared its teeth in challnge, TAUNTING the turtle away from the fossil that Zac was cradling so gently. Greg swished his stick angrily through the water. It was time for battle.   


Lulu falls gently on fossil 2, covering it
Greg taunts Tirtouga
Zac is holding fossil 1